At Electric Picnic we were working as hostesses in the THISISPOPBABY tent.After working with the guys last year and having major fun I thought I would be very well behaved this year Oooooopsy!We had an amazing time and got to meet and party with some of the funnest people from here and the U.K. Highlights of the weekend included Philip McMahon saving my life as I tried to mount an invisible ladder (from the top of a podium) and several hours hiding in a portacabin loo avoiding the rain with Skinni Colin :-)

We were asked to do a small performance Installation later in the summer (well October but the weather was still lovely)at WERK the theme for this run was Fat Of The Land. I dressed well I should say undressed to my boxers and wore a homemade pope hat with a McDonalds logo on it. Alan was just in leggings and added to his slenderness by highlighting his bones with eyeshadow. I wanted lots and lots of fast food for the piece but obviously didn't want to spend a months Dole in McDonalds so I went over on the Saturday with a blacksack and gently approached people as they finished their meals and asked them for their rubbish - I told them it was for an art project so I didn't seem too crazy. After cooking up an awful lot of Burgers and Chips at home the piece consisted of me using the chips as holy communion but instead of putting it in Alan's mouth I chewed it up and spit it out on him. There was no huge meaning behind this except the fact that the likes of the Catholic church and McDonalds are so rich while half the world starves (other fun moments included eating raw potatoes and general Blasphemy)

For the second night of WERK Fat Of The Land I wanted to do somthing Bank related. We both dressed as bankers or "wankers" from the bank of Wank. when the lights were on we just went about our general bank duties - counting money,answering the phones but when the lights went off we had a strobe light and a uv light ( its hard to see in the pics ) and we wore flouresent afro wigs and went a little bit crazy cuting up money and chewing it up and spitting it out.Again we obviously didnt use real money - I made myself out to be crazy again that saturday by going into an internet cafe and scanning in a €20 note and colour printing up over a hundred of them!again the art project excuse worked a treat :-)( highlights of this night included a lady asking us if she could withdraw cash from us - no lie she thought we were an ATM service! A man in front at the bar trying to pay for his drink with our fake money and also a randomer who was not at WERK in the que in Burger King trying to pay using our fake money too and an amazing projection on the wall by Fionn Kidney )
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