For many centuries the debate has raged - who's better - Barbie or Cindy?
'Barbie!',the unwashed masses cry. 'Look at her costumes, look at her job titles!

While it's obvious the creature must have graduated from about 72 PLCs and done about 90 Fas courses, have the ability to never sleep or feel the need for sustenance, air, or LOVE - and these are all enviable things - my money's on Cindy. Sure, Barbie can give birth by detaching her whole chest cavity and still lead her horse -

but can she do this?!

Cindy Sherman, the most self obsessed genius of the century. Sherman is kicking around for 56 years now and still looks great. Maybe these photos are her very own Dorian Gray portraits.
Cindy is an artist who uses herself as a canvas, only photographing herself she uses makeup and costume to completely recreate her image.
Sherman started out with 'Untitled Film Stills', a series of photos each made to look like captured images from black and white movies.

She moved on to include famous figures from history, fairy tales, monsters and clowns.

My own personal favourite was Centerfolds, in which, taking into account the salacious idea of what that title conjures, with the whole mens magazine take on ideal women, she cast herself in the role of scared, abused victims. It's pretty hardcore (and not in the sexy way). Aaaaand that makes me sound like a sicko. Which I am.

Her latest series; of rich, upper class women gone to seed, I was blessed to catch by sheer accident when on a trip to Rome and by golly it was only bleedin glorious.

Cindy deserves to be checked out and worshipped and also feared - cos if this loon ever gets wind of Partie Monster, all our sellotape and facepaint costumes will be like dust in the wind.....

Putrid Dunne
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